Shark Point


Hin Musang ( Shark Rock, As It Translates )

Shark Point rises out of the water from the surrounding depths of 18-20 meters. Considering the small extent of the rock above water, the actual size of the reef underwater is a big surprise to most divers. Beginning from the relatively steep main rock pinnacle, the reef flattens out to the south rising two more times to just below the surface at the other two pinnacle that make up the reefs structure.

  • Limestone Pinnacle
  • Gardens of Hard & Soft Corals
  • Tropicals, clownfish, lionfish
  • Moderate to Strong Currents
  • 10 to 20 Meters Visibility
  • All Levels of Divers

The second pinnacle, depending on the currents is an excellent place to start the dive. Like many places in Thailand, Shark Point’s most colorful feature is the profusion of the purple and pink soft corals that cling to the rock. The currents sweeping over the pinnacle’s provide food a-plenty for the hundreds of different species of hard corals and limitless tropical fish species. The name of the site comes from the common Leopard (Zebra) Shark (Stegastoma Varium), a docile creature that can be found lying in the sandy bottom surrounding the pinnacles. These completely reachable, trusting sharks grow to a length of a little over 2 meters, and most divers think that they are one of the “cutest” sharks in the ocean.

Divers that are not accustomed to seeing sharks are genuinely surprised at how big and approachable they are. Because they are nocturnal feeders, they are very approachable during the day, especially for u/w photos. The sharks aren’t the only attraction here though, Shark Point is one of the richest and most vivid dive spot around, with it’s stunning soft corals, fan corals and anemones.

