Hin Muang


Dive Hin Muang with Crystal Waves and you’ll experience the thrill of diving the highest vertical wall in Thailand. The southern side descends to over 60 metres and on the eastern side where the slope is gentler, 2 long ridges descend out into the blueness.

  • Great for:Large animals, reef life and health, wall dives, visibility and advanced divers
  • Depth: 10 – >40m
  • Visibility: 15 – 40m
  • Currents: Can be strong
  • Surface Conditions: Can be rough
  • Water Temperature: 27 – 30°C
  • Experience Level: Advanced only

A completely submerged rock formation, Hin Muang has an incredible amount of marine life. It derives its name (meaning Purple Rock) from its dense covering of purple soft corals. The rock itself is approx. 200 metres by 20 metres and is shaped something like an immense loaf of bread.

The walls are decorated with large sea fans of red, white and orange. Clouds of glass fish school around the fans and rocky out-crops while hunting trevallies dart in looking for a tasty mouthful. Carpets of anemones cover the shallower sections of the pinnacle.

As you head down the permanent mooring line you’ll see the rock splits in 2 and meets again at approximately 22m. From this point you can drop deeper and swim along the length of the rock. Be careful of your depth on this dive site. While checking out the marine life on the wall, be sure to keep an eye on the deep water.

Hin Muang is great for bigger fish and schools of pelagics, but also for macro life, hiding amongst the anemones and soft corals. Don’t be surprised to see a photographer focusing on some tiny critter while a manta ray cruises overhead…

Leopard sharks and grey reef sharks are often seen patrolling the depths. Due to its relative greater depth, Hin Muang lies within the Mu Koh Lanta National Marine Park in waters beyond the reach of the diving masses and tends to be a little less crowded. If you want to dive Thailand, this – along with nearby Hin Daeng – is definitely a site not to miss.

